

The exclusive colorist course at Natali Lusk - this is a complete chemistry course of colors of all types of shades. We study the theory of colors, how to create shades and extract pigments. In the course we will learn an in-depth study that includes all the codes of the colors!

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Hair design and hairstyles

Hair design and hairstyles

Hair Design and Hairstyles Natalie Lusk Academy specializes in hair design and hair courses and is mainly ready to provide you, as a student, with the most necessary knowledge, tools and training in the world of hair design and hair. Therefore, we provide you with the most complete and fundamental course of Natalie Lusk herself with all the professionalism and many years of experience. With us you will also gain knowledge in the field of marketing and building your future business. Essentially, the program provides all the knowledge necessary to work in the field of hair design and hair at a professional and modern level.

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The most popular course, due to the fact that it is a very fast course. The course provides an opportunity to engage in a profession with high economic potential alongside self-realization and creativity. The course is also suitable for those who have no experience or prior knowledge in this field, you will be able to gain experience through the practical lessons of our course.

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Smoothing, curling and hair restoration

Smoothing, curling and hair restoration

The exclusive course at Natali Lusk focuses on deep knowledge and techniques of chemistry for hair straightening and curling. This is a course with a particularly high employment demand branch. In the course we will learn to use professional tools to prepare the hair for work. The course provides knowledge, understanding and tools that save you years of experience. The course brings extensive specialization and unique practical experience and is one of the variety of study programs and courses that Natali Lusk specializes in at a world level.

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Hair extensions and fillings

Hair extensions and fillings

The hair extensions course provides a solution for those who want to significantly increase the income in their business. It is also suitable for hair stylists at the beginning and for those who have no previous knowledge at all. Also, the world of hair extensions is developing day by day and provides an amazing solution that can change the lives of customers and hair stylists.

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Total blond

Total blond

Advanced Total Blonde Training In the Total Blonde course we will teach you how to create the perfect blonde with emphasis and expand your knowledge of the world of blonde using unique tips and methods. There will definitely be practice on a model with direction and correction of hand position at work. Natalie Lusk has developed an intensive and fast two-day course that will suit everyone with flexibility and understanding.

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The shatush technique is the most popular and sought after in Israel and around the world due to its luxurious appearance. Of course, one should not forget the advantages of the coloring method - fast work, long-lasting results, no damage to the hair root, etc. Natalie Lusk has developed a fast-paced two-day training session that will appeal to all professionals with flexibility and understanding.

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The Airtouch training was the most successful. The training is intended for hairdressers who deal with coloring and chemistry in hair salons, who love and want to learn how to deal with difficult situations in lightening and coloring, and want to reach a high level of skill and precision, which will increase the number of clients and their income in the salon. Natalie Lusk developed an intensive two-day course that will provide a quick response to all professionals. The Airtouch course provides professional and powerful tools that come with professional knowledge and supervision.

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Natalie Lusk Academy offers you the most advanced and fastest training in the art of hair styling and cutting. During the training you will receive the highest professional level from a mental, experienced professional in this field. In a unique course at the academy, we have built a program that emphasizes the professional development of hairdressers and in an accelerated manner learn about new and complex techniques. We will learn how to correct mistakes made during a haircut, study and make ratings of different hair lengths, modern haircuts, matching haircuts to the character and type of the client and much more.

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שלום לך,
אני בעלת המותג והאקדמיה NATALI  LUSK
את דרכי האישית התחלתי לפני למעלה מ-20 שנה כשהייתי בעלת השכלה גבוהה ברפואה. (תעודת אחות מוסמכת+ תואר ראשון) 
סיימתי אוניברסיטה, מכללה ו-6 שנות סטאג' ברפואה.
לפני 15 שנה התאהבתי בתחום עיצוב השיער -ומתוך תשוקה עזבתי את הרפואה למען זה.
למדתי, וכיום אני עם ידע אירופאי עולמי ועם דיפלומות מכל העולם הכוללים בין השאר-
תעודות 1 ו-2 +קורסים אצל ספרים מפורסמים ומקצועיים שכוללים השכלה גבוהה.
בתחילת דרכי הייתי קולוריסטית ראשית ומנהלת סניף ב- Hair center.
וכך NATALI  LUSK הפכה למותג מצליח לפני שנים. 
הדגש העיקרי שלי לפני ספרות הוא התאמת הטיפול ללקוח לפי סוג ובריאות השערה רק לאחר אבחון מעמיק.
המקצועיות של NATALI  LUSK לפני הכול בכל מה שקשור לעולם עיצוב השיער הוא-
המבט הרפואי ולא רק אבחון של ספרית לפי מבנה, זקיק השערה, סוג העור וכו׳
כיום אני בעלת המותג והאקדמיה NATALI  LUSK ומורה מובילה בתחומי.
האקדמיה NATALI  LUSK שמה דגש לכל החידושים כדי שתצאו לדרך העצמאית שלכם מצוידים בטכנולוגיות, טרנדים וכלים הכי עדכניים.
יש בבעלותי אקדמיה וסלון בוטיק מוצלחים מאוד עם אלפי לקוחות מהארץ ומהעולם! 
כמו כן גם פיתחתי ליין קוסמטיקה על בסיס רפואי וטיפולי לשימוש ביתי ומקצועי.
אני מתמחה בטכניקות המתקדמות ביותר בלימוד ספרות ובצביעת השיער (גוונים, קולוריסטיקה, Shatush , Airtouch)
סלסול, הלחמת שיער, צביעת שיער, יקרופיגמנטציה (הדמיית זקיק שיער) לגברים ונשים,  כל סוגי ההחלקות+ החלקה יפנית, יציאה מהשחור ותספורות בכל רמת מורכבות.
אם אתם מוכנים לעשות שינוי בחיים ולהתחיל לעבוד נכון ובהבנה –הגעתם למקום הנכון.


  • Zvulun Street 14, Kiryat Ata, Israel